7 Lessons I Learned From My First Software Engineering Job @ CTCT

I am writing this piece as a way to celebrate two years at my first job out of college. It has been a positive experience transitioning from college to professional life, albeit with some inevitable ups and downs, but that should be a guarantee. Nevertheless, below are seven nuggets of knowledge and wisdom I have acquired in my first two years in Silicon Valley.

From Oakland to UC Berkeley, this is Our Civil Rights Movement: Why I Run for ASUC Senate

I write this piece today, not only to commemorate the first day of voting for UC Berkeley’s ASUC (Associated Students of the University of California) elections, but to take a moment to appreciate the journey, the people, and the experiences that have taken me to this point. I want to record this next chapter in my growth of being not only a student, but someone who will continue to push for change on our campus and in our society.

OccupyOakland: I am Martin Luther King Jr.

I am so proud of my city of Oakland. I felt this incredible energy yesterday at the OccupyOakland general strike that is unparalleled, unrivaled by any other mass of people I have ever seen. An overwhelming majority of the people were kind, were peaceful, and were hopeful. Above all, however, they were empowered — empowered with the idea that they could actually do something to change the course of this country around. My own hope is that this energy I felt last night is sustained into a movement that will bring change to our world for generations to come.