Oakland Unified School District 7-11 Committee


In 2014, I was appointed to Oakland Unified School District’s 7-11 committee on the disposition of “surplus” land. Specifically, we were charged with understanding the current and future needs of the school district in regards to school enrollment, and how a potential disposition of Dewey High School and the adjacent E12th OUSD office headquarters to UrbanCore (a developer interested in building luxury condominiums at the sites of the schools), would impact those goals. Chief among these issues was how the disposition of public land would be affected by the charter school right of first refusal mandated by Proposition 39.

We were disbanded as a committee in the middle of the process of understanding those aforementioned community needs.

Minutes from our first meeting: http://legistar.granicus.com/ousd/meetings/2014/5/3406_M_7-11_Committee_14-05-19_Meeting_Minutes_Long.pdf